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Work & Sports Injury Chiropractic in Torrington

Person having leg adjustedAlthough most injuries at the workplace commonly involve the lower back, especially jobs that require repeated handling of materials, bending, or lifting, other injuries involving the spine or extremities can also be successfully addressed with chiropractic. Our doctor works with you to determine when you can return to either light or full duty.

We communicate with the employer, insurance carrier, or attorney to coordinate care and help administrate your claim. Timely chiropractic intervention enables you to return to work sooner and more comfortably.

Choosing Care That’s Right for You

Sometimes, employers direct employees to a specific provider or occupational medical center. Although that may be required when initiating a claim, employees also have the right to request their own doctor after completing the employer-mandated visit.

Make sure to inform your employer and the provider who performs the initial exam of your intention to seek chiropractic care for your injury. Call us directly to schedule your first visit if there is no employer mandate.

In some cases, attorneys will administer disputed workers’ compensation claims. Dr. Downs has experience dealing with the system and has attended informal hearings with the Workers’ Compensation Commissioner’s office on behalf of a patient and their attorneys.

Coping With Sports Injuries

Through post-graduate chiropractic orthopedic training, sports medicine seminars, and years of experience, Dr. Downs has treated various traumatic sports injuries at all levels, including NFL and NBA professionals and college and high school athletes.

Both spinal and extremity injuries are common in our practice. We offer taping techniques, massage, stretching, exercise protocols, manipulation, and physiotherapy methods to help the athlete heal faster and return to action as soon as possible.

Dry needling has also been added to address soft tissue abnormalities typical of sports-related injuries. An avid golfer, Dr. Downs has seen several golf-related ailments over the years. Our massage therapists are also valuable assets in dealing with sports injuries.

Helping You Heal

Some common conditions that our patients have seen results with include

Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
This tendinitis affects the extensor mechanism of the forearm and can be a very stubborn and challenging condition. Chiropractic techniques like extremity manipulation, transverse frictional massage, dry needling, ultrasound, and other modalities are usually quite helpful in alleviating the condition.

Golfer’s Elbow (medial epicondylitis)

Golfer’s elbow is tendinitis, similar to tennis elbow, in the soft tissues of the forearm that flex the hand and wrist. Patients have significant tenderness at the inner aspect of the elbow that responds to the same methods as tennis elbow.

Slip and Fall Injuries

These common injuries involve damage to the bony or soft tissues involving the spine and extremities. After ruling out the possibility of a fracture, these injuries tend to respond well to routine chiropractic intervention.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is probably the second most common condition encountered in our office after back and neck pain. The collarbone, shoulder blade, and humerus bone all move complexly and must be evaluated appropriately. Impingement syndrome, rotator cuff injuries, arthritic abnormalities, and frozen shoulder syndrome are all common and typically respond well to chiropractic care. Soft tissue function is crucial because the rotator cuff is commonly injured. Specific exercises are usually necessary to strengthen some of the weakened shoulder/rotator cuff muscles to restore function. If the shoulder problem fails to respond, an MRI may be needed to rule out a tear.


The tendon is the portion of the muscle that attaches to the bone. Injuries can occur from recurrent microtrauma, overuse, strains/sprains, or occupational, postural, or age-related phenomena. After our evaluation has pinpointed the exact location of the injury on the tendon, specific massage techniques such as transverse frictional massage and specific stretching and strengthening protocols are very helpful in resolving the issue. If a tear is suspected, we will refer you for an MRI.

Hip Pain

Hip problems are often overlooked in routine assessments of the lumbar spine and pelvic regions. Many lower back problems result from a dysfunctional hip, so evaluating movement patterns to identify abnormalities is crucial.
Many hip abnormalities respond to stretching of the muscles and hip mobilization. Proper hip function is also essential to lower back rehabilitation. We also work closely with a network of specialists to help patients who may need more assistance in resolving their issues.
Hand/Wrist Pain
The eight carpal bones of the wrist are typically involved in wrist/hand pain. Complaints come from a fall on an outstretched hand, overuse, other injuries, or arthritis. We have had results with conditions like sprain/strain injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, and arthritic pain. Sometimes, splinting helps manage a hand/wrist problem.

The base of the thumb is one of the more common locations for painful arthritis in the hand and can be challenging to manage. We have successfully used dry needling and special thumb splints to help manage this condition.

Foot/Ankle Pain

The most common mechanism of injury and symptoms involving the foot/ankle is “rolling” the ankle, where the foot turns inwardly, injuring the outside aspect of the ankle. Known as an inversion sprain, various splints, and supports are often used to take weight off the ankle in the acute phase.

Various combinations of mobilization, transverse frictional massage, therapeutic modalities, and dry needling help reduce pain and swelling and restore better weight-bearing status to the foot.

It’s essential to assess the foot’s alignment and arch system, as pronation or supination of the foot substantially impairs proper function and affects the patient’s gait. We may fit the patient with custom orthotics to reduce the distortion of their foot and provide more comfortable weight bearing to assist in the rehabilitative process.
Other common foot conditions include Morton’s Neuroma and plantar fascitis, which can be successfully treated with various chiropractic and extremity treatment methods.


The bursa is a soft tissue structure with a lining similar to a joint lining. Typically located between muscle and bone or between layers of muscle, a bursa can become inflamed and be very painful. Chiropractic techniques offer a more conservative method to address the condition and achieve good outcomes.

Plantar Fascitis

This inflammatory condition involves the tendons and muscles along the bottom of the foot and is often the result of failure of the arch system in the foot. Plantar fasciitis is a very chronic and difficult condition but usually responds well to standard chiropractic intervention.

We have successfully treated the condition with ultrasound, massage, cupping, and other extremity mobilization techniques. The condition may also require corrective orthotics or other foot inserts.

Knee Pain

Dr. Downs has extensive experience in treating sports/trauma-related knee pain as well as arthritic-related knee pain. Many elderly patients will often seek help to manage their condition on a more conservative level to try to avoid knee replacement. Various mobilization and rehabilitative techniques may reduce pain and improve function; acupuncture techniques have also proven useful.

Our assessment determines whether the condition is related to cartilage damage, internal knee displacement, or ligament abnormalities, which may require different therapeutic interventions. Physiotherapy modalities such as electrical muscle stimulation and ultrasound are often used for knee problems.

Get the Help You Need

Whether you experience an injury at work or on the sports field, you want to know you have someone with the expertise and the therapies you need to heal. The team at Downs Chiropractic has been helping people reduce their pain and get back to living the life they love. Call to book today!


Work & Sports Injury Chiropractic Torrington CT | (860) 482-5479