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Other Conditions We Treat in Torrington

At Downs Chiropractic, we do more than care for back and neck pain and headaches. Many people are unaware of the other conditions chiropractic has proven beneficial for, including:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Nerve entrapment at the wrist is probably the most common pinched nerve issue outside the spine. The median nerve becomes impinged as it passes through the carpal tunnel, causing numbness and tingling in the hand, primarily affecting the index and middle fingers of the affected hand.

Symptoms may interfere with sleep as patients feel the need to “shake out” their hand or put it under water to ease the pain or tingling sensation. Grip strength and fine coordination of the hand may be affected, and permanent nerve damage is possible if ignored for too long.

We treat carpal tunnel with splinting, ultrasound, mobilization of the extremity, acupuncture, or dry needling, as well as stretching and exercises, and in most cases, respond well, often avoiding surgery.


An acquired or congenital curvature of the spine that may cause significant back pain in patients. This condition is a major concern in the young or adolescent population as this growth disorder may progress and become severe if ignored.

Often, dysfunction within the spine affects both joints and muscles, and chiropractic techniques can help. Back pain from scoliosis typically responds well to our methods, although each person’s degree of correction will differ.
Most importantly, our doctor monitors the condition’s progression so good decisions can be made regarding the available options. Early diagnosis is crucial to reduce the risk of progression.

Arthritis Pain

This type of discomfort is probably the most common source of symptoms encountered in patients over 50, although it can also affect younger people. Since arthritis is irreversible, we aim to reduce joint pain and dysfunction and improve compromised structures.

Arthritic joints do not move freely, and the cartilage and supporting ligaments are often worn, frayed, or have micro tears, causing poor joint dynamics and pain. Chiropractic directly affects joint dynamics and improves range of motion while reducing pain. Since the condition is progressive, our methods help slow the progression and maintain quality of life to deal with the issues daily.


A very complex soft tissue pain condition many specialists don’t understand. Patients have typically seen several specialists trying to find relief, but there is no instant cure for this condition. Chiropractic is an excellent tool for managing the severity of the musculoskeletal pain.

Nutritional and emotional factors, as well as other metabolic variables, play a role in how we view fibromyalgia, and our familiarity with this condition is very often helpful to the patient in terms of managing their pain. Fibromyalgia patients under our care often require less medication and have more success treating the condition. Dry needling targeting tender areas and trigger points may help, and massage therapy can also be beneficial.


This is rib pain between the ribs, or where the ribs attach to the breastbone. We use a variety of gentle physiotherapy modalities, dry needling protocols, and massage to help relieve pain.

Post Herpetic Neuralgia

This excruciating condition follows a shingles outbreak. About 20% of patients with a shingles infection experience severe, chronic, and persistent long-term pain in the area where the shingles occurred. Acupuncture, dry needling, and various other modalities have successfully reduced pain. We work closely with other pain management specialists to optimize the patient’s response and take advantage of all available options.
Peripheral Neuropathies
These result from a variety of conditions, including alcoholism and diabetes. These may be permanent malfunctions of nerve endings, leaving the patient with chronic loss of certain nerve functions. It’s often characterized by abnormal sensations such as numbness, tingling, pins and needles, pain, or other abnormal sensations traditionally involving the extremities.

Sometimes, there’s evidence of nerve entrapment in the periphery, where nerves cross joints or soft tissue structures compress nerves. Diagnosing these conditions is essential to determine the type of nerve damage involved, and we work with neurologists to get the necessary testing.

Various techniques, including extremity mobilization, dry needling, and acupuncture, have helped restore a reasonable degree of sensation in the toes or hands of patients experiencing difficulty in those areas.

MS Patients

Multiple sclerosis presents a complex neurological pathology with a broad range of symptoms and functional effects on the patient’s activities of daily living. Very often, these patients have difficulty with gait or other neuromuscular functions, and chiropractic has helped minimize MS flare-ups to assist them in living with this lifelong condition.

MS patients tend to have problems with muscle tone, spasms, restricted muscle functions, and lack of voluntary muscle control. Although these conditions are permanent, chiropractic helps minimize their effect on the patient’s lifestyle.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/RSD

This condition is a rare complication of trauma or surgery, often involving the extremities, and can be very debilitating and difficult to diagnose. Dr. Downs has worked closely with other pain specialists in managing RSD patients. Acupuncture, dry needling, and chiropractic techniques are all great options to reduce chronic pain and restore function to the affected area.

Morton’s Neuroma

This condition involves a swelling of the nerve sheath, typically between the toes of the foot, and can be very painful and sometimes requires an operation. Dr. Downs has successfully used various therapeutic modalities, including cold laser, ultrasound, dry needling, and acupuncture.

Entrapment and Compression Syndromes

Imply vascular or neurological compromise due to tightness in the surrounding soft tissue, especially where those vessels or nerves pass through or pierce layers of muscles and fascia. The subsequent pain, numbness, and tingling can be difficult for patients. Dry needling, myofascial release, soft tissue mobilization, and various other modalities are used to manage and relieve pain.


A congenital or acquired condition that involves displacing one vertebra onto another because of a defect in one of the vertebral bones. Arthritis may also cause ligaments to loosen, allowing one bone to slide forward upon the other.

This condition, caused by alterations in the spinal canal or nerve passageways, exists in up to 10% of our population, resulting in neurological symptoms. Chiropractic care has successfully reduced some of the region’s mechanical stress and pressure on the nerves.

Learn More, Book Today

If you’re ready to learn more about these conditions and how chiropractic care could help you live a more comfortable life, call our practice today. We’d love to speak to you!


Other Conditions We Treat Torrington CT | (860) 482-5479