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Neck Pain & Whiplash Relief in Torrington

person with neck painNeck pain is the most common condition encountered at Downs Chiropractic, second only to back pain. Most of the time, problems are related to posture, i.e., tech neck, occupation, ergonomics, and accumulated stress/tension.

To find the source of neck pain, Dr. Downs determines arthritic involvement, disc abnormality, mechanical function of the cervical segments, and muscular aspects of the condition. A proper examination includes neurologic, orthopedic, and chiropractic assessments to target care appropriately.

Options for care include stretching and exercise, massage, dry needling, manipulation and mobilization, and various physiotherapy modalities to improve neck function and relieve your symptoms. We have found as few as six sessions are often enough to improve the neck problem significantly.

Looking for the Root Cause of Your Pain

Some conditions contributing to neck pain include:

This colloquial term is used for a cervical sprain/strain involved in front-end or rear-end collisions. Also known as a hyperflexion/hyperextension injury, it commonly affects the joints and muscles of the cervical spine primarily but also includes deeper structures such as ligaments, tendons, discs, and nerves. Whiplash can be very disabling, and chiropractic intervention is often helpful in achieving a successful recovery from a whiplash injury.

“Lumbar whiplash” is related to seatbelt injuries involving the lower back. When the soft, supportive tissues of the lumbar spine and some of the interconnecting ligaments are typically involved in the injury, it causes pain and spasms in the lumbar spine. Chiropractic care with a variety of pain-oriented modalities helps alleviate these symptoms.

Auto-related Injuries

These are a common problem seen in our office, and our team uses various services to provide the necessary care to help you get the relief you need. Many auto policies include a MedPay portion to cover healthcare expenses
related to the accident. Coverage defaults to your private carrier if you do not have MedPay in your auto policy. In some cases, an attorney is retained by the patient.

Mid-Back Pain

This type of discomfort is not nearly as common as neck or lower back pain but can also be very problematic for patients. The mid-back tends to be stiffer because the ribs attach to the thoracic spinal vertebrae, and pain often relates to that area and muscular conditions prevalent in the region.

Referred pain syndromes such as ulcers, gallstones, or cardiac conditions may affect the mid back, so our experience is beneficial in determining when mid-back pain is indeed musculoskeletal. Pain near the shoulder blade is sometimes related to a nerve entrapment syndrome in the cervical spine and not a mid-back problem. Proper evaluation and diagnosis produce a more accurate diagnosis for more precise care.

TMJ Syndrome
Temporomandibular joint pain is more common than most people would imagine. Many patients have been to dentists, oral surgeons, and other specialists without realizing the benefits of chiropractic for these disorders.

A good percentage of TMJ conditions are related to clenching of the jaw, commonly at night during sleep, which the patient is often unaware of. The chronic clenching condition causes shortening of the masseter muscles, limiting jaw opening and impairing chewing and other functions.

Our team uses various techniques of intraoral massage, addressing the masseter and pterygoid muscles, an intrinsic part of jaw pain, as well as mobilization of the jaw and cervicocranial junction, and other modalities such as dry needling and ultrasound. Results are often seen immediately with an increased level of jaw opening post-treatment.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

This condition commonly involves pain or altered sensation from the base of the neck outwardly into the upper extremity. It’s most often caused by neurological or vascular entrapment as the nerves or blood vessels exit the thoracic outlet at the root of the neck.

Chiropractic evaluation incorporates assessment of this area, and the condition may respond very nicely to myofascial release and other musculoskeletal therapies that release the tightness of the area. Dry needling is an excellent option.

Relieving Neck Pain and Improving Function

Whatever the reason for your neck pain, our doctors want to help you get rid of it and show you how to prevent it from returning. Book your appointment today!


Neck Pain & Whiplash Relief Torrington CT | (860) 482-5479